Hola Nicaragua Week 3
Well, anyway life is good here except for my ghettoly short hair. Actually it is probably for the best since it is off the back of my neck. Where was Marni when I needed her? Anyway it is fine and I guess I can wait quite a while to get it cut again. So today we went with the zone again to Masaya to this prison place and to the market. I bought a couple of small things to send home which I will do next week. I did have time to mail my letters from last week today so that was good. My fathers day note to dad and a birthday note to Grandma Harvey went out today. I doubt they will get there in time but whatever. Have you gotten any mail from me? So we had our baptism on Saturday. It was nice. Two people
were baptized, our convert and one from the elders. It was exciting to see and be excited for them. Our convert's daughter should be baptized this Saturday. She needed to come to church one more time and good thing she came for a little while on Sunday even though her baby was sick or we would have lost her for this week. That was a blessing when she came in the door. Our convert and someone we taught yesterday called us angels from God. Our convert told us we were welcome anytime at his house. The other guy knows the Bible really well so hopefully we can help him come to church and accept the gospel. The people here are really happy people. We were in a lesson and the lady said that she is content with life. I was thinking how great that is and even though the people don´t live the same standard of living we do at home, they still find happiness and aren´t really concerned with the material things of life. They are just a happy people. I am realizing truly how much we have been blessed with, but that the material things aren´t what matter. It´s truly all about families and living in a way now so that we can live together forever in the Celestial Kingdom. That´s what it all boils down to. That´s all I want is to be with you 3 for eternity. Anyway back to life in Nicaragua, so it is rainy season and we have had a couple good storms. I have worn my boots but I need to time it better. Yesterday it rained right after church and I got my shoes wet. I changed to my boots when we got home and then it didn´t rain the rest of the day. That happened another time too. I need to guess better when to wear them. I have gotten a few compliments on them. I really like my raincoat. That was a good buy. A couple days this week we walked to the far part of our area. It was probably at least a 40 minutes walk and saved us each 10 cords or 50 cents. I am not sold completely on walking there all the time, yesterday we rode the bus and walked part of the way and a member with a car happened to pass by and took us the rest of the way. Anyway, one of the times it was really rainy. We were with a member and I was walking behind them and having a mental music fest. I was singing the girls camp song Friends We Are. Where we were was kind of like Camp Lomia with the dirt paths and the houses are sort of addi-like. I thought you might like to imagine this. One of the nice things when we are out more in the jungle like part of the area is the fresh mangoes that we pick up. We peel them with our hands and eat some scrumpcious mangoes. This week I had 2 piano classes. Hopefully we can get some more people coming, especially investigators, so it will be more productive. I just need to remember to go slow and not teach too much at once. I also need to practice more music words in spanish so I can explain things better, but it went alright. We´ll see how it goes this week. Just thinking, I have seen like maybe 5 americans since I have been in Masatepe that weren´t missionaries. I don´t feel like I stick out, but I am sure that I do. I feel like I fit right in. I am reminded of Hawaii a lot here - the weather, the slatted windows, and the pace of life. Life is good and I am doing well. I wanted to tell you that the missionaries would love it if you called them up and told them you wanted to go out with them for a couple hours. It is really helpful and they would love to have a volunteer and not have to call people to go with them. Anyway, the members here are fantastic and I am enjoying it here. The mission president was here for branch council on Thursday. We didn´t go to the meeting but we saw him afterwards. He asked about my health - which is good- and then asked me about my companion and if she hits me, jokingly ( I didn´t know what he said. I understood that he was making a joke, but didn´t know what. I just looked confused and smiled and laughed) I am doing great, just have some bug bites, but that is part of life as a missionary in these tropical places. Anyway my time is up, but I was reading Ether 6 this week and I related the trip across the ocean of the Jaredites to the mission. I don´t know where the Lord is taking me but He needs and wants me somewhere and that is where the mission is leading me too. I love you all so much. Have a fun last week at home Elena. You are going to be a great missionary and I am so excited for you. Its definitely work, but I am enjoying it and having a good time. I love you all tons and have lots of fun for me this week. I am looking forward to your mail whenever I get it. Love you lots and lots. You guys are the greatest. Love, Alexis
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