Aloha- So that is really funny that Elena is in the same
district I was in. I was hoping that she would be
and I told them to look for her. They will take good care of her. I want to hear more about her companion. Well, I am glad she is doing good and that will be cool to be at the MTC with all the new mission presidents and there will be some cool general authorities there too for that. I got to meet my president before I got here, but in Guatemala. That was fun to see them and know who you were going to meet up with when you got to the mission. Woah, on this computer the enter key actually works. So, we had the training on Monday and Tuesday. We took a minibus from here and it took about an hour. We had meetings all day at the stake center near the assistants to the president’s house. This is the same building we go to for the change meeting and the meetings you have when you first get here. The training was with 14 sisters and 3 elders. It was about the 8 lessons that are part of the missionary curriculum. I think this is fairly new. They teach them in the MTC and then again when you get here. It was a good refresher. We had Subway for lunch so that was good. For the evening the sisters went to the president’s house. It is really nice and the president of the north mission lives right next door. It is in a gated community kind of up on a hill in Managua. We had FHE and dinner there. It was fun to just relax and talk and get to know some of the other sisters. Then we stayed the night at the assistant’s house. They have enough beds there because that is where the new elders stay when they get here. It was cheaper to put the 6 office elders in a hotel than 14 sisters. It is a nice house and pretty big. I guess that is where we all would go in an emergency. Then we had training on Tuesday until about 1 and had lunch. Then we took the minibus back here and got back to work. I did really see a Cinemark here by one of the malls in Managua. Crazy! Oh, the president and his wife were telling us how their kids have learned English in the year they have been here. They go to a school where all their classes are in English. That would have been tough to come here and have school in another language, but it is cool now that they can speak English. What else happened this week? We had a couple good rain storms. On Saturday we were in a house and it started pouring. They have a pretty good drainage system for water here, except that when a lot of water comes at once the streets fill up. We crossed one street with almost knee deep water. I didn´t have my boots, but that was probably for the best because they would have been full of water. The black shoes are the best for getting wet and drying fast. I wear my boots too, but I haven´t timed it right and when I wear them it doesn´t rain and when I don´t it rains. One of these days I will get it right. No, but it was fun and I always enjoy a good rain. So, we contacted two old ladies on the street a few weeks ago and invited them to church. One said she was sick and I don´t remember what the other one said. They are friendly and one we have seen walking around. We followed her back to her house because we couldn´t remember where they lived. She could tell we were following her and I felt sort of like a stalker, but anyway. We talked to the other one at the house. She is 95 and lives alone and doesn´t have kids and was never married. We have gone back and taught her once and hopefully we will go back and teach her more. I really love these people especially these older ladies that are just so sweet. So, we have someone ready to be baptized Saturday. I guess he has been taught several times but now he really wants to change and has given up smoking and drinking coffee. I think the other set of elders has a baptism ready for Saturday. So for the mail situation, I haven´t got any this week, but definitely on Friday at the zone meeting if not sooner. You only need to put the Apartado Postal 3527 for mailing stuff to me not that other long thing. Thanks for being such good mailers. I enjoy getting real mail. Thanks for being the bestest. So I have some letters on my desk to mail from last week, but I didn´t get to mail them yet. I am not sure if I will get to next week or if we may have a zone activity. We have been doing more activity p-days than usual because our zone leader is going home next week. So you mentioned some giant Nicaraguan stamps. I haven´t seen them because I just take the letters and pay for them and then she puts stamps on them later. I guess I will see them when I get home. Life is good here. After seeing some of the other sisters and some that have been here longer, I have realized that I am doing quite well. Other than some bug bites, I haven´t had any health issues and I have adjusted well to the food too. It was weird eating more American things the last two days. I think I have done well at adjusting to life here and just going with the flow and accepting whatever comes my way. That is really just what you have to do or you could go crazy. Have a good attitude and know that all will work out - because it will! There are definitely better days than others and some days I could have a better attitude, but I really haven´t had a real bad day. So I am happy! Piano classes are going good. Still only one or two people and it is not your traditional music class, but it is fun to do. We have labeled the keys on the electric piano and they write the letters for the notes in their hymnals and then they just kind of figure it out. Whatever works! Love you all tons and thanks for being awesome. The gospel is true. Love, Alexis
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